Tuesday 7 October 2014


Point example analys (how the theories

·      Hegemonic view- powerful social groups exercise their influences rather than force society
·      Ideology- the dominant idea that is viewed as common sense.
·      Rosalind Brunt “ideologies are never just ideas, they are myth which we live by.”
·      David Gauntlett “identities are not given but are constructed”
·      Michel Maffesoli identified the idea of the “urban tribe”. These small groups have similar worldwide views this leads to less individualism

·      Masculinity and femininity are socially constructed by stereotypical ideas.
·      O’Sullivan et al  “Gender ideas are reflected in language”
·      Laura Mulvey “dominant point of view is masculine”
·      “The female body is displayed for the male gaze” (Voyeurism)
·      John Berger “men act and women appear, Men look at woman, women watch themselves being looked at”
·      Ann Kaplan “the negative representations of females can be seen as inspirational”

My music video widely conforms to the stereotypical views of society. Our artist is part of an Indie Rock subculture; this is a relatively new genre group that doesn’t share the same ideological ideas as everyone else. They are considered to be more individual hence the name “indie”.

Marxism is the hegemonic view of society that powerful social groups are the dominant ones. However they exercise their influences rather than forcing ideas upon society. Michel Maffesoli identified the idea of the “urban tribe”. These small groups have similar worldwide views; this leads to the decline in individualism. However in the audience that my music video is targeted at is a small group that share the conflicting view of normal society and refuse to conform to norms of this such as dress codes and activities.

 Feminism is collection of ideologies that are aimed at establishing woman’s equality among society. Masculinity and femininity are socially constructed by a broad range of views about how women and men should act. O’ Sullican et al (1998) said that ideas about gender are produced and reflected in language.


  1. There is some sense of understanding in justifying the individualistic audience.

    WT X (ungradable)

    To improve
    There is little application of these theories to examples from your work, this therefore doesn't hit the criteria for marks where you have to use them to read your work.

    "Marxism is the hegemonic view of society that powerful social groups are the dominant ones. However they exercise their influences rather than forcing ideas upon society. Michel Maffesoli identified the idea of the “urban tribe”. .."

    "Feminism is collection of ideologies that are aimed at establishing woman’s equality among society..."

    So not explain the theories, apply them to your work and the messages/meaning that reveals itself.

  2. Hayley - Where is Genre and Narrative?
    Tapz - where are your 3?
